human 2 human

B2B or B2C it’s not the matter, H2H is matter

Businesses or products do not have emotion but humans do. Humans want to be included and be a part of something bigger. Human want to feel everything. For many years we have heard that customers are segmented into business or consumer; in the “The Tao of Twitter” describes P2P or people to people is important.

The Unnatural Language of Business

Consumer are confused as main part of communication is based on nonverbal body language and only 7% explain verbally what we really mean. So why we can’t make it simple and easy for people to understand what we are selling so they can share their experience and the values the felt. Don’t care what language you speak, who your brand is or what message you are trying to send , we all need to speak more human. Most often we complicate what we’re trying to say; redundant, over-technical and over-thought.

Why do business marketers think they need to speak differently to their audience by segmenting them to business or consumer. In almost meeting acronyms are used that spending so much time to decipher instead of focusing on the actual thoughts trying to be conveyed. We all need to think like the consumers, putting ourselves in the mind set of buyers instead of trying to speak like sophisticated language and big words. The same is true for social media as we are using acronyms like OMG, TY, Hashtag, Wiki … . These term have their own meaning and helped us to gain a new way of conversing.

Context is the killer of Confusion

Words are just words; stories are just stories, but with context concepts are alive. Human understand and process information in context. For marketers this means where your audience will consume the information they receive? (Mobile? Tablet? Laptop?)

In Social content is important, but context is huge. if your content is not in the right context for both your specific social media platform and for the audience you want to engage, it’s a social gunshot- throwing a bunch of word in the air and hoping that, somehow somewhere, they land on a few people in a way that makes sense and capture their attention. providing the right context in social sharing is an art form. The word that you post, when your audience takes your message, and relate it to their life in a new way, that’s when the experience blossoms.

Source: “Human to Human: H2H” by Bryan Kramer

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